2023 Sundarban Affairs Department of West Bengal

Sundarban Affairs Department of West Bengal: Hello everyone! Today we are going to discuss the Sundarban affairs department of West Bengal. Sundarban is a name of beauty and it has also economic and environmental benefits On our nature.

Name of the Department Sundarban Affairs Department of West Bengal
StateWest Bengal
ServicesSundarban Affairs Services in West Bengal.
Current CMMamata Banerjee
PurposeTo provide information on Sundarban Affairs Development of West Bengal.
Official website

So it is very important to manage the wealth of Sundarban and protect the world’s largest mangrove forest. So let’s understand the department and its functionalities. Sundarban Affairs Department of West Bengal Sundarban Affairs Department of West Bengal


There is an infinite beauty hidden in the name of Sundarbans. Sundarbans region with the area of Panchayat Samiti of North and South 24 Parganas District along the eastern and southern edge of West Bengal.

The Sundarbans have a geographical area of 97300 sq km and 4265 sq km of protected forest area. In the rest of the country, the Sundarbans used to be a picture of the once underdeveloped, but now the situation is much better.

Sundarban Affairs Department of West Bengal Extreme changes have taken place in remote areas of the Sundarbans. The mainland of the Sundarbans has been included in the path of development and progress.

The State Government formed the Sundarbans Development Board in 1983 to coordinate the development programs. The Minister-in-Charge of this Department: Shri Bankim Chandra Hajra Sundarban Affairs Department of West Bengal Sundarban Affairs Department of West Bengal
Address: Mayukh Bhavan, (Top Floor), Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700091
Phone Number: 2321 8238
Fax: 2337 3544

The Sundarban Affairs Department of West Bengal has emphasized the need to coordinate and cooperate with other government departments, district administrations, and panchayats in formulating and implementing these programs.

The state and central governments are being asked to increase investment to accelerate and consolidate the development of the area. Along with the development of the Sundarbans, the work of conserving the traditional ecosystem and connecting and making people from all walks of life in the development area is in full swing.

The pressure of continuous population growth in the remote rural areas of the Sundarbans further aggravated the economic, natural, and social conditions. As a result, people from remote villages in the Sundarbans flocked to the city’s sidewalks for food and livelihood.

The socio-economic differences between the Sundarbans and the mainland were rapidly increasing. Although the literacy rate is close to the state average, it is much higher in some blocks. However, some blogs lag far behind in the female literacy rate. The per capita income is much lower than the average per capita income of the state.

The rate of the population living below the poverty line is on the rise. In this situation, the people of the remote areas of the Sundarbans are much better off today as a result of the successful projects, financial assistance, and communication system of the Department of Sundarbans Affairs of the State Government of West Bengal to further develop the Sundarbans.

Works of Sundarban Affairs Department:

The department has taken various steps to further develop the Sundarbans.

1) Advanced Agricultural Technology: Advanced agricultural technology In order to bring one cropland under multiple crop cultivation, the Board started distributing improved seeds, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides for small and marginal farmers of Sundarbans.

Farmers benefit from this scheme and the area under chili, watermelon, and other vegetables grow during the Rabi season. Later, special emphasis was laid on the cultivation of irrigated crops like pulses, oilseeds, Sabu, cotton, etc. At the same time local farmer training camps, discussion meetings, etc. are organized to inform the farmers about advanced agricultural technology.

2) World Bank Assistance: World Bank assistance Many sluices and master sluices are constructed in the Sundarbans area for the development of drainage systems through World Bank-assisted projects. As a result, arrangements have been made to drain the excess accumulated water in the land very quickly during the monsoon season.

3) Water conservation: Water conservation The average annual rainfall in the Sundarbans area is 1600 mm, most of which is wasted in rivers and seas. The department has undertaken multi-purpose projects through that additional water conservation and land development system.

A project of construction of micro-irrigation infrastructure is being implemented on a large scale by cutting a pond in part of the farmer’s land arranging water retention and improving the adjoining land.

This micro-irrigation system will be able to bring about a major change in the agrarian economy of the Sundarbans and, on the other hand, will increase the opportunities for additional employment.

4) Electricity: Electrical system The Sundarbans Development Department has done a lot of work in collaboration with Webreda for the expansion of electricity. In areas where the conventional power supply will not be possible in the near future, non-conventional power projects have been implemented.

In schools and hostels, 300 and unconventional lighting have been provided. In addition to the Sundarbans jetty, important markets, ganj, hospitals, holy places, and more than 250 solar lights are being installed.

5) Communication system: Communication system Construction of four types of roads to improve the communication system Coming up, such as brick-paved roads, moraine roads, concrete roads, and pitch roads. Work is underway to create three types of all-season roads in the archipelago where heavy vehicles do not operate.

They can be built and renovated with the help of local workers. The development of the communication system has greatly benefited the people of the remote areas of the Sundarbans in terms of transportation and import and export of goods. The board has already constructed about 200 jetties for the general public and for the loading and unloading of goods by river.

6) Bridge construction: Bridge construction Some of the notable bridges under construction in the Sundarbans are: In addition to these, many culverts and bridges have been built over small fun rivers and canals.

7) Drinking water system: Drinking water is a very important thing for human survival. Drinking water supply is one of the major problems in the Sundarbans. The groundwater level is below 750 to 1450 feet.

The cost of drawing water is high. That is why the project of installing tube wells for drinking water is entirely in the hands of the government. The Sundarbans Development Board has undertaken the task of installing tube wells from the financial year 2000 to 2001. 975 tubewells have been installed from the 2005 to 2006 financial year.

More tube wells are being dug. In the experience of the people of the Sundarbans, these tube wells are reliable as drinking water and their durability is relatively high. The people of the Sundarbans region greatly benefit and are happy with this facility of drinking water.

Website of Sundarban Affairs Department:

The website of this department is

Sundarban Affairs Department of West Bengal at
Sundarban Affairs Department of West Bengal at

Website work of Sundarban Affairs Department:

To know more about this department of the West Bengal State Government and how Mamata Banerjee continues to improve by providing various projects and communication systems, electricity, schools, and all kinds of facilities for the people in remote areas of Sundarbans. For search through the site.

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