Common Eligibility Test (CET): Know Everything About CET



What is CET – Common Eligibility Test

Common Eligibility Test (CET) is a type of examination. After passing it, the candidates will probably be considered as eligible for Tier II directly for any group B and Group C recruitments. All the organizations and SSC (Staff Selection Commission), which recruit the posts of Group B Posts and Group C Posts, have suggested to the Central Government that Group B and Group C vacancies Competitive examinations are conducted every year for recruitment to the posts, which takes a lot of time and costs too much.

Common Eligibility Test (CET) Overview
Name of the scheme
Common Eligibility Test (CET)
Started by
Ministry of Personnel
central government
Students of India
An objective
To reduce time and costs in recruitment process
Start plan
20 Aug 2020

What is CET Eligibility, Exam Date, Syllabus data?

In such a situation, all these institutions suggested that why shouldn’t the minimum criteria of a general eligibility test be fixed for the recruitment to those posts, and the candidates who will pass in this examination will probably be chosen on merit basis for the recruitment process. Be taken.

The CET examination will be conducted by the Staff Selection Commission and the candidates who pass this exam will get direct entry into the second phase of group B and group C examinations. But it has not been determined but by which institution will conduct the CET exam.

CET Exam – Conducted By NRA

The process of that is still going on and a statement of the Ministry of Personnel has been published on many news websites about this exam, which states that:

NRA is a testing agency that will be responsible for conducting prelims ‘eligibility’ exam for non-gazetted posts. This includes banking jobs in public sector banks (IBPS), railway jobs (RRB) and SSC jobs.

It was proposed to constitute a specific company for conducting General Eligibility Test (CET) for selection of candidates for appointment to Group ‘B’ non-gazetted posts, some posts of Group ‘C’ in Government, and these posts in subsidiary government organizations.

CET Exam Eligibility – Minimum Qualification

In this, candidates must have the next Educational Qualification Criteria Qualifications and Criteria.

1. 10th or 12th class pass is required from any recognized board (Center and State).

2. For recruitment to Group B posts, there will be Commencement Degree Test of CET Exam, in which candidates are required to have graduation qualifications. For this, candidates are required to graduate from any acknowledged university.

3. The information regarding the minimum share percentage isn’t given at present.
CET Examination Pattern

Under this examination, the skills of the candidates will probably be examined, through which questions will probably be asked from topics like Mental Capability, Reasoning, General Knowledge, Mathematics, English.

1. There will be a total of 200 marks in the CET Examination.
2. This paper will have a total of 4 parts.
3. General Knowledge, Mathematics and Intellectual Ability Test,  and English.
4. Each half can have a total of 25 questions and the full number of questions in the paper will be 200.
5. The paper will also have 1/3 Minus Marking.

CET Syllabus

All the scholars who are preparing for this recruitment should carefully look at the syllabus given right here and understand after which prepare.

1. Important matters of English and part: This part tests the final English language information of the candidates.

• Spotting Errors
• Sentence Improvements
• Reading comprehension
• Active Voice / Passive Voice
• Synonyms
• Antonyms
• Direct / Indirect Narration of sentence
• Sentence shuffling
• Homonyms
• One word substitution
• Sentence completion
• Shuffling of sentence in passage
• Cloze passage
• Idioms & Phrases
• Spelling test

Fill in the blanks
Knowledge of common language: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, synonyms, sandhi, antonyms, synonyms, tenses, word purification, sentence purification, idioms, proverbs, synonyms, mononyms, consonants.

2. General Intelligence and Reasoning Test

The main objective of this part is to test the intelligence of the student and to know the knowledge of decision making.

Analogies – semantic analogy, symbolic / number analogy, tangible analogy

Classification – Semantic classification, Symbolic / number classification, Numeric classification

• Space orientation
• Trends
• Friend picture
• Drawing
• Number Basic Series
• Downside solving
• Emotional and social intelligence
• word form
• Coding and decoding
• Symbol and number operation
• Perforated holes / pattern-folding and un-folding
• Pattern pattern-folding and completion
• Recognize linked numbers
• Critical intelligence

3. Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skills)

Candidates’ mathematical skills are tested through this part. It includes the next topics: –

Number system: 
calculation of whole numbers, decimal and fractions, relationship between numbers.
Fundamental Arithmetic Operations: Percentage, Ratio and Ratio, Sq. Root, Revenue, Interest (Easy and Compound), Revenue and Loss, Discount / Low cost, Participatory Business, Mixing, Time and Distance, Time and Work.

Primary algebraic identification of school algebra and elementary frequencies (simple issues) and graphs of linear equations.

Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: triangle and its various forms of centers, circles of triangles, parity and equality, circle and its chord, tangent, angle connected by chord of a circle, for 2 or more circles. Mango.

Different shapes: 
triangle, quadrilateral, regular polygon, circle, right prism, right circular cone, right circular cylinder, space, hemisphere, rectangular parallel quadrilateral, finding area of regular pyramid with triangular or sq. base and finding the value of angles.

Fixing trigonometry, trigonometric ratios, complementary angles, heights and distances (easy problems only).

Statistical charts: 
Use of tables and graphs: Common use of histograms, frequency polygons, bar diagrams, pie-charts, etc. and solving problems.

General Knowledge: 
In this, general knowledge of historical past, politics, geography, culture and many others. is tested. The following matters have been included in this.

Facts and different information about the Harappan civilization within the context of India, history of Vedic culture and kings of India, ancient temples, guheas, chronology and historical occasions of medieval India, freedom movement of India and their major leaders, life movement and Revolution.

Geographical location of India and neighboring countries, ports, airports. India’s coastal border, the terrestrial border adjoining the neighboring countries. Mountain region, agricultural region. Sea areas and many others.

The terminology of the finances, through which national income, income tax, fiscal profit-loss, budget evaluate, and many others. 5 Yr Plan and its importance; Celeb in the economy; Institutions and their importance like RBI, SEBI and many others.

India’s chief politician and his history, judiciary, govt, administrator and his functions. Judicial system and Supreme court of India. State administration, election fee
Current Affairs: Some recent vital political occasions, economic actions, sports, climate, international points, environmental points, etc. in the context of India.

CET Certificate

A certificates will also be issued to the candidates who will succeed in the normal eligibility test, after which the candidate can have the following advantages.

1. The validity of CET certificates will be 2 years.
2. Candidates will be instantly chosen on the basis of advantage in the second phase for recruitment to the Group B and Group C posts.
3. CET pass candidates will get admission within the second part under the recruitment to the clerk posts within the bank and in the recruitment to the posts of Group B and C in Railways, SSC.

Conclusion: Under the CET Examination, there is going to be a direct benefit within the recruitment to the Group B & Group C posts in the Railway and Banking sector, so all of the candidates who are preparing for the Railways and the Bank are already preparing for the CET Examination as per Syllabus. Please do it.

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