Haryana Mahila Samridhi Yojana has been run in the state by Manohar Lal Khatterji, under this, loans up to Rs. 60000 will be offered to Scheduled Caste (SC) women of Haryana State for self-employment at the price of 5 percent. Haryana Scheduled Caste Finance and Growth Corporation have also released a marketing campaign for this and through advertisement, telling the people about Mahila Samridhi Yojana haryana within the state, this loan will help to make it self-reliant, it will help folks own businesses like boutiques. Will be provided for opening beauty parlor etc.
Important Points of Mahila Samridhi Yojana Haryana
Mahila Samriddhi Yojana: Loans of Rs. 60,000 will probably be offered to girls belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) class in Haryana on the rate of only 5 percent.
- Beauty Parlor
- Boutique
- Cosmetic Store
- Dairy Farming
- Bangle Shop
- Clothing Store
- Tea Shop
- Making Papad
- basket making
- Any other viable business
Mahila Samridhi Yojana, Haryana Online Application
- To apply for Mahila Samridhi Yojana in Haryana, you must go to the official website Portal. When the site is open, you will have the front page of the portal open.
- In case you are a new consumer or are utilizing the website for the first time, then you must click on new user registration.
- On clicking, you will open an easy portal registration web page. Here first you must enter your mobile number, email, name, and many others. data to create your id.
- Then you’re going to get your login id and password, log in to apply for the Mahila Samridhi Yojana on the portal.
- After login, click on Apply for services.
- On login, you possibly can apply on-line by clicking on Mahila Samridhi Yojana beneath HSFDC Department.
Purposes for the Mahila Samridhi Yojana scheme can also be made online.
Eligibility for Mahila Samridhi Yojana Haryana
- only for residents of Haryana.
- Women are the SC caste.
- The age between 18-45 years.
- The annual income of the applicant’s family must be less than Rs 3 lakh.
- Candidates who belong to BPL class girls will be given a grant of up to Rs 10,000 under this scheme.
- No previous loan has been misused
- He shouldn’t be a defaulter of the company/bank.
Important documents for Haryana Mahila Samridhi Yojana
- Aadhaar Card
- Residence certificate
- Passport Size Photo
- Bank Account Passbook
- Identity card
- Mobile Number
Haryana Mahila Samridhi Yojana Offline Application
Offline applications are also made in Mahila Samridhi Yojana Haryana, for this, you have to go to the Atal Seva Kendra or E Disha Kendra along with the requested doc and ask for the Mahila Samridhi Yojana kind. You will also need to pay some fees for offline utility, which will probably be 10 to 20 rupees. Don’t forget to take the application number or slip after utility from the center operator
Objectives of Mahila Samridhi Yojana
Due to the Carona epidemic in the state, the economic condition of the people is not proper and they have some business, in such a way, by giving loans, self-employment will be promoted and women of the SC (SC) class will also get an opportunity to move forward. With a loan of Rs. 60,000, offering a price of only 5 %, it will empower the ladies to take courageous steps and in addition empower them and lift their dignity further.