The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi has launched the Sethu Bharatam Scheme. The Prime Minister is to construct bridges on all of the highways of India under this scheme. So that people don’t have to face troubles. Traffic is interrupted for a very long time even for rail crossings. Under this scheme, bridges may also be constructed for rail crossing under this scheme.
Under this scheme launched by the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister’s objective was to finish the development of bridges on all nationwide highways by 2019. To a big extent, the federal government has been profitable in finishing up this activity. The Prime Minister has launched the Sethu Bharatam Yojana with Rs. 50 thousand crores.
Pradhan Mantri Setu Bharatam Yojana Overview | |
Name of the scheme | Pradhan Mantri Setu Bharatam Yojana |
Started by | Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi |
Government | central government |
Beneficiary | Benefit to Indian citizen |
An objective | To survey the condition of all bridges |
Start plan | 4 March 2016 |
Under the “Setu Bharatam” scheme, old bridges can be constructed with new technology
On this beautiful occasion, Union Highway Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari stated that bridges can be constructed below this scheme, which is able to reduce accidents to a great extent.
There are lots of accidents especially at the time of railway line crossing. After the construction of the bridge, these accidents will be very rare. Nitin Gadkari stated that the government goals to construct 208 railway bridges below this scheme. Which will value Rs 20,800 crore.
Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari mentioned that the targets of the government have turn out to be previous or in poor condition, the bridge can be damaged and built once more. Older bridges can be in-built new ways with new know-how.
Older bridges will be widened. It will be stronger than earlier than. Pradhan Mantri Setu Bharatam Yojana was launched in 2016. Below this scheme, almost the work of bridges has been completed and is in progress.
Repair of 1500 old bridges
Under the Sethu Samudram Yojana, 1500 such bridges across the nation were also selected, which had been in poor condition or had high traffic load. The ever widening bridges became narrower as traffic load increased. In view of this, the government has began the work of enchancment of 30 thousand bridges in a phased manner.
The bridges which were weakened are being repaired. The part of the bridge that had been greatly weakened has been replaced. Other than this, a brand new bridge can be being constructed next to the bridges on which the load was excessive. Many are now on the verge of completion.
Details of 50 thousand bridges were prepared
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has also established the Indian Bridge Management System on the Indian Academy for Highway Engineer, Noida in UP. Its goal is to survey the condition of all bridges constructed on the national highways of the nation with the help of cellular inspection models. 11 advisory committees have been formed for this work. So far, this committee has collected particulars after inspecting 50,000 bridges.
This committee will tell which bridge has any flaws and the way it can be improved. The identical committee may also suggest for the brand new bridge.
Work oil in Uttar Pradesh
The work of construction of over-bridge and under-bridge on railway crossing is the quickest in Uttar Pradesh. Here the rest of the bridges besides one, two have been built. Work can be going on fast in Maharashtra.
All bridges are toll free
On national highways the place toll is already charged, there is no separate toll for railway over bridge. On toll free national highways, there won’t be any toll on bridges. That’s, it’s absolutely free to come to the newly constructed rail over bridge. Additional, no toll can be taken on the bridges that will be constructed.
The bridges whose development has been awarded to personal companies through tenders are being monitored by the officers of the Ministry in addition to the third get together. The company designated by the Ministry monitors the quality of every bridge and gives its report.
On the basis of this report, improvements are made to the bridge. If the report is detrimental then a provision has been made to withhold fee of the company. Not only this, heavy penalty can be imposed on the company which compromises the quality of the bridges, it’ll even be blacklisted. Being black listed means that this firm will not be able to do authorities work again.
The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi has launched the Sethu Bharatam Scheme. The Prime Minister is to construct bridges on all of the highways of India below this scheme. So that people don’t have to face troubles.
Traffic is interrupted for a very long time even for rail crossings. Below this scheme, bridges may also be constructed for rail crossing under this scheme.
Below this scheme launched by the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister’s goal was to complete the development of bridges on all national highways by 2019. To a big extent, the government has been profitable in carrying out this activity. The Prime Minister has launched the Sethu Bharatam Yojana with Rs. 50 thousand crores.
Route diverted
Ready beams are used within the construction of bridges. Slabs are also being molded at many locations. Molding bridges is the railways work simply above the crossing. By the ministry of Highways rest of the bidges is constructed.