Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMSAGY)

Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

The Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) was started for the event of villages. The scheme was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 11 October 2014. Under this scheme, all MPs of the country need to undertake a village for one year and do growth work there. In this, along with basic services in the village, emphasis is laid on farming, animal husbandry, cottage industries, employment and many others.

Emphasis on three things within the plan Three things are emphasized within the plan. It should be primarily based on demand, motivated by society and public participation in it. The target of this scheme is to enhance the standard of living of the people living within the selected Gram Panchayat under the supervision of the concerned MP.

The plan also emphasizes on bettering access to public providers for social and financial growth. These villages become best for other nearby gram panchayats.

Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana Overview
Name of the scheme
Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana
Started by
Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
central government
Farming, animal husbandry, cottage industries, employment and many others.
An objective
To develop the essential and institutional infrastructure of rural India
Start plan
11 Oct 2014
Income SupportFunded by MPs
Type of application
Official website of the scheme


What is SAGY?

The scheme was introduced by the Prime Minister on October 11, 2014, on the anniversary of the birth anniversary of Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan.

Under the scheme, all of the Lok Sabha MPs needed to develop a gram sabha every year and current it as a model for different gram sabhas in the district.

Also, the Rajya Sabha MPs needed to develop at least one Gram Sabha during their tenure.

The objective of the scheme was to develop the essential and institutional infrastructure of rural India together with the cities in order to provide improved infrastructure services and higher employment alternatives within the villages as well.

The objective of this scheme was to empower selected gram sabhas in agriculture, well being, sanitation, livelihood, environment, schooling and many others.

Under this scheme, the population was laid the premise for the election of Gram Sabhas, under which it was suggested to think about 3000-5000 for plain areas and 1000-3000 population in hilly, tribal and inaccessible areas. Under this scheme, every MP had to develop three Gram Sabhas by the year 2019 and 5 by the year 2024.

703 MPs selected Gram Panchayat

As of November 2017, 19,732 new projects had been accomplished under the MP Adarsh Gram Yojana. 7,204 projects were in progress. There are a complete of 800 MPs within the country, out of which 703 MPs have selected the Gram Panchayat. In these panchayats, the main focus has been on total growth with the co-participation of the community.

Below the scheme, the goal is to develop 2400 villages within the nation as Adarsh Grams. The Ministry of Rural Development is the nodal ministry of the Government of India.

Many state governments are helping to implement the packages right here. Due to this, there may be an improvement within the indicators of social development. The schemes run under this embrace 100% registration in ICDS facilities, 100% freedom from open defecation, 100% prevention of infection.

States like Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand have applied the programs rapidly.

Present Situation

It can be seen within the data available 5 years after the implementation of the scheme that there was a lack of enthusiasm among the many MPs within the implementation of the scheme because the beginning.

For the event of villages under the fourth part of the scheme, two-thirds of the Lok Sabha MPs haven’t even elected the Gram Sabhas from their parliamentary constituency.

The current power of members in both homes of Parliament is 790, whereas only 252 members from each homes have shared the list of selected gram sabhas thus far, including 208 Lok Sabha and 44 members from Rajya Sabha.

The scheme has seen a lower within the participation of Members of Parliament since few months of its inception. Whereas 703 Lok Sabha MPs took half in the first part of the scheme, in the second part their quantity was lowered to solely 497 and in the third part it was reduced to just 301.

Currently, the Lok Sabha has a membership of 545 of which 543 members represent the people of various areas of India by-election and 2 nominated.

Additionally, the Rajya Sabha has a power of 245 out of which 12 MPs kind a part of this House through nomination course of, currently there are 240 members on this Home of Parliament, while 5 seats are still vacant.

Last month, a Standing Committee of Parliament expressed its concern over the shortcomings of the scheme, the committee mentioned in its report that the objective of the MP Adarsh Gram Yojana is to make sure cohesion and convergence of various schemes and prioritize their full implementation of Adarsh ( Model) was to build villages.

The committee said in its report that the seriousness wanted to satisfy the motto of this scheme has seen an enormous shortage within the Members of Parliament. In such a state of affairs, the committee has suggested the Ministry of Rural Development that the Ministry should guarantee the development of SAGY village as per the envisaged goal of this scheme and also be sure that no village is left out under the scheme.

This is how the fund is arranged

Funds are provided in some ways to complete the development work under Adarsh Sansad Gram Yojana. These embrace Indira Awas, PMGSY, and MNREGA. Aside from this, the development fund to the MPs can also be helpful in completing the program.

Gram Panchayat also makes use of its funds for this scheme. Companies also provide support for this scheme through Company Social Responsibility (CSR).

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