Prime Minister Agricultural Irrigation Scheme

Through this scheme, more emphasis is on the optimum utilization of water assets so as to prevent the injury caused by the impulses of the latter and drought. By doing this, the available resources will be used effectively and at the identical time, the farmers will get more yield. The Prime Minister believes that only if the agriculture of our country is right, then our country will progress.


Keeping this in mind, the Prime Minister has begun the agricultural irrigation scheme so that farmers do not have water scarcity.

Methods to apply online for an agriculture irrigation scheme in Uttar Pradesh

• To register for Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana, you have to go to the official website From here you will be able to reap the benefits of this scheme.

• After going here you can be requested if you’re already registered on the site of agriculture/garden. You might be given one other choice to register for Pre / Post Harvest Management under NHM.

From right here, you can simply register yourself under this scheme by choosing an option.


Eligibility for availing of the scheme

• Farmers of every class can be eligible for the benefit of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Irrigation Scheme.

• To get eligibility below this scheme, the farmer should have his personal land as well as a source of the water source.

• Benefit will also be provided to self-help groups, trusts, co-operative societies, including companies, members of productive farmers’ groups and other eligible institutions.

• These establishments and beneficiaries will get the benefit of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana which cultivates the land under lease settlement for a minimal period of seven years.

• Beneficiary can get the benefit of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana for land-only after the next seven years.

Prime Minister of Agricultural Irrigation Scheme

Drip and sprinkler irrigation systems increase crops as well as cut back water use. The government is advising all farmers to undertake this system effectively. On this occasion, the government is providing subsidies to farmers as an incentive.

All beneficiary farmers involved within the scheme will be given 2 days of coaching to use the gear. Technical information about gear will be provided to beneficiary farmers by organizing seminars.

To bring uniformity in investment in irrigation, to expand the arable area below ‘Har Khet Ho Water’, to increase the effectivity of water use in the fields in order to reduce water wastage, correct irrigation and water Adoption of saving techniques. Other than this, efforts will also be made to attract investment in irrigation through it.

Advantages of Agricultural Irrigation Scheme

• Subsidy will be provided to farmers under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Irrigation Scheme.

• Technical information of system and planning will be shared in 2 days’ training to be taught new tools.

• With the use of a new gear system, 40–50 % water will probably be saved and at the same time 35-40 % improvement in agricultural manufacturing and quality of yield will be accelerated.

Paperwork required for the scheme will also be attached –

• Aadhaar ID

• Land ID such as Khatauni

• First-page copy of bank passbook

• Farmers also can get information from toll-free farmers call center 1800-180-1551.

• Notification of Prime Minister Agricultural Irrigation Scheme

Process for registration / online software in Prime Minister Agricultural Irrigation Scheme

To make the data of the scheme accessible to every farmer, an official portal has been established. Here each data associated to the scheme has been defined in detail.

State governments can apply for registration or software on the web site of the agriculture division of their state. If you are interested in applying for the scheme, then go to the website of the Agriculture Department of your state and get the data related to the application.


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