Due to COVID-19, the lockdown period in India has been extended to May 3 by the Authorities of India. In such a state of affairs, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has requested to take the most precaution in addition to download the ‘Arogya Setu App’ and to motivate people to put in it.
Do you know about the Arogya Setu App, what will be the benefits of downloading it, the way it will tell about the danger of COVID-19, how to use it, and so on.
Aarogya Setu App is a Bluetooth-based COVID-19 tracker launched by the Government of India. It tries to determine the risk based on the situation of the person and informs them of the positive COVID-19 case inside 6-feet proximity. Over 10 million people have downloaded this app so far.
Aarogya Setu Overview | |
Name of the scheme | Aarogya Setu |
Started by | PM Narendra Modi |
Government | central government |
Beneficiary | Citizen of India |
An objective | It will tell about the danger of COVID-19 |
Start plan | 1-April-2020 |
What is Arogya Setu App?
The purpose of the Arogya Setu App is to enhance the initiative of the Department of Health, particularly by the Government of India, to continuously access and inform users of the app about the risks, best follow and relevant advice of COVID-19.
Benefits of Arogya Setu App
The app is expected to be out there in more Indian languages quickly. The benefits of utilizing the Arogya Setu App are given below:
1. The Arogya Setu App works on Bluetooth-based technology and tries to determine the risk or threat of COVID19 based on the user’s location.
2. The risk issue is also based on the info available for that place.
3. It informs the user whether he has crossed the path of COVID-19 positive case in 6-feet proximity.
4. The application also informs the person about various measures for COVID-19 such as Self Assessment Test, Social Distancing, do’s and don’ts, and so on.
5. The Arogya Setu App also tells the person about the precautionary measures and how to keep social distancing in times of global pandemics.
6. According to a PMO statement, the app can be an e-pass facilitating travel from one place to another.
7. If a person is in high threat or high threat, the app will advise him to go to a nearby testing heart for testing and immediately name the toll-free number 1075.
8. The app is also equipped with a chatbot which answers all the basic questions on coronovirus illness or COVID-19.
9. Customers also can get helpline numbers for each state in India.
How do you find out with Aarogya Setu App whether you have symptoms of COVID-19?
1. Open the app first.
2. Now look at the self assessment button on the bottom of your screen.
3. After clicking the button, you’ll be questioned about your gender and age.
4. Now you’ll be questioned about whether or not you are experiencing any type of signs – cough, fever or difficulty in breathing.
5. You will be additional asked if you know about diabetes, high blood pressure, lung disease or heart illness, etc.
6. Now the test will ask you about your travel history within the last 14 days.
7. You’ll further be asked if you have lived with a COVID-19 hit patient or if you are a health employee and have investigated the optimistic COVID-19 case with out protective gear.
8. Answer these questions honestly.
9. After answering the questions, the app will tell you concerning the threat or threat of infection.
How to use Arogya Setu App?
1. Download the Arogya Setu App from Google Play Store (for Android customers) or App Store (for iOS users).
2. Choose a language.
3. Switch on Bluetooth and location from your cellphone’s settings.
4. Set Location Sharing to “Always” from your phone’s settings.
5. Now you’ll be asked to register. Click on ‘Register’.
6. Click on the ‘I Agree’ button.
7. Now you’ll be requested for your cellular number.
8. Enter the received cellular number and OTP.
The Government of India is taking all necessary steps to take care of the global epidemic. An important factor in stopping the unfold of the corona virus locally is to take precautions as per the recommendation issued by the Ministry of Well being and Household Welfare and go to the nearest testing heart once you develop COVID-19 related signs.